Is your website an asset or a liability?
Have you ever calculated what your current website might be COSTING you in LOST OPPORTUNITIES?
Calculate the True Cost of Your Website
Results – Total Opportunities Your Website Should be Delivering Annually:
The Fact Is:
The repercussions that stem from an old or poorly designed and implemented website are further than the eye can see. A website plagued by subpar design and functionality struggles to attract and retain visitors, leading to missed opportunities and the potential loss of customers – FOREVER.
The longer you tolerate an aging, or poorly functioning website, the more opportunities you’re losing. In today’s world, the company that drives the most traffic and dominates Google results, wins. And acquiring traffic is only step one.
Are your visitors staying on your site once they arrive?
Is your call-to-action converting and driving leads or sales?
You might think, "My Website Is Fine!"
Let's look at an eye-opening example of how an under-performing website could be crippling your business growth. For the purpose of this exercise, we’ll keep it simple:
Assume your website gets 1000 visitors per month
Total Annual Traffic = 12,000 Visits
Then deduct,
1/3 Non-Prospect Traffic - 4,000 Visits (Employees, Bots, Out-Of-Market, Etc.)
Total Opportunity Traffic = 8,000 Opportunities that could convert to sales
If 3.68% of the Opportunity Visitors react positively to your website, then:
8,000 x 3.68% = 294 Conversions
*3.68% is the Global Conversion Average.
Using the above formula, ask yourself this:
Did your 1000-visit per month website generate 294 conversions last year?
If not, you can determine what your website is costing you by multiplying your average customer value by the shortfall. Further, what if you had 1,500 or 2,000 visitors per month? The REAL costs could be staggering!
If yes, fantastic! Now just imagine if your site was designed to optimize your consumer-journey, and your conversation percentage increased...What could your annual revenue increase to?
Measuring website impact is just one tactic critical to overall growth, yet it's an incredibly foundational component. Let us prepare a complimentary performance analysis on your existing site, including a consultation discussion on where to begin optimizing:
Key Factors to Consider About Your Website
Even if it's been updated recently, put yourself in your ideal customer's shoes. Begin navigating your website and consider the following...
How quickly can your customers find what they came for?
Attention spans are measured by the millisecond. If your Customer has to dig for information across your website, it's likely they'll continue their search elsewhere. 89% of consumers shop with a competitor after a poor user experience. - Does your website support Closing the Deal?
Is it obvious WHY a Prospective Customer should do business with you over a Competitor? Communicating your Value-Add throughout your site, ensuring it's consistently being showcased and understood, helps a browsing Prospect feel that taking the next step in your Buying Process is worthwhile of their time. - Before even entering your site...Can customers find you online?
A website's SEO design helps a business appear front and center when a Customer is researching a solution. If you aren't discoverable in today's digital age, how many Customers engage with your competitor by default simply because their site appeared first?
35+ Years of Successful Relationships
The Ignite XDS differentiator is staying disciplined to investing in our Discovery Phase before developing any strategy or suggesting the implementation of any tactic to our clients. We have to understand a client's position completely, including their operational successes, deficiencies, opportunities, markets, customers, and more – then using that information as a foundation from which to build.
Our clients sometimes cringe when we’re initially introducing them to the idea of our Discovery Phase. To a business owner who’s been eager for growth, it can feel like we’re asking them stand in molasses. We realize this.
BUT, this pivotal phase is where their mindset evolution begins, and where real, long-term value is realized.
The time invested in defining where a company stands – especially one that has plateaued or experienced inconsistent revenue – outweighs any plug-and-play plan, service, or package that is proposed upfront as a solution.
Whether you're motivated by gaining more freedom as a business owner, expanding the legacy you'll be known for, or the fulfillment of advancing operations to the next level...gaining clarity on WHY you haven't been able to grow BEGINS HERE.